Gomer Pyle

That's exactly who I think of when I see a group of private citizens(?) threaten a citizens arrest.
Gomer hollered after witnessing Barney make an illegal u-turn.
Then come these Gomer Pyle's who made national news...
Iowa protest aimed at Karl Rove leads to arrests
Four peace activists were arrested on Friday as they attempted to make a "citizens arrest" of Karl Rove...
Professional protesters Chet Guinn, Edward Bloomer, Kirk Brown and Mona Shaw all made asses of themselves and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Next time maybe I'll cite them as a public nuisance.
I found it interesting that the Reuters article named one of those arrested as Guinn and Gwinn, then mentions...
(Reporting by Kay Henderson; Editing by Andrew Stern)
It looks like Stern only edited it for length and Henderson actually made the error, although it seems like it would be easy to catch.

Henderson's Radio Iowa piece also quoted a protester from Ecuador and a former resident of Pakistan, its a good thing they didn't try for the citizens arrest.
Get 'em Gomer!
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