Sunday, July 20, 2008

OFF on the road

It's over 1,300 miles, and one time zone, from the District of Columbia to Austin, Texas.

There are seven different commercial airlines that fly between the two, or you can board Amtrak.

How do you suppose climate crusaders Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi traveled to address the Nutroots Nation Convention?

Let's put it this way, it wasn't carbon friendly and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Gore's appearance came during a segment called "Ask The Speaker".

Gore joked, “We oughta take that act on the road, Nancy,” to which Pelosi responded, “We are on the road!” Gore replied, “We are on the road, but I feel right at home, I’ll tell you.”

Here's how Al Gore traveled to his D.C. talk Thursday.

It's a Chevy Suburban SUV and two Lincoln Town Cars that were reported to idle for roughly twenty minutes with the air conditioning running.

The interesting part about Al Gore's address to the Nutroots...

Americans have been “so often fooled into finding a remedy for a problem" that has nothing to do with the problem at hand.

Like a $1.5 Trillion to $3 Trillion plan to transform a nation because of Gore-BULL warming when the Earth's temperatures have been steady or declining for the past ten years?


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