Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I thought John McCain was strong from the first question on.

I wish McCain would have challenged Obama bringing up the AIG retreat, or junket as Obama called it.

You may recall that Obama chastised McCain for originally opposing the bailout of AIG and chastised him as not having "clarity or a grasp on the situation".

Obama's running mate, Joe Biden, originally sided with McCain on AIG.

A plague on both their houses for throwing Warren Buffett's name out for Secretary of Treasury.

Mr. "I Should Pay More Tax" should be patriotic enough to just write the U.S. Treasury a few extra of his $52 billion and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Obama still believes "Senator McCain is right" on a few issues.

McCain scored effectively lumping Obama and the Democrats into the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debacle and pointing out Obama as the second highest recipient of their campaign contributions in history, all the while killing legislation McCain supported to fix the problem.

Obama sounded weak trying to defend his warning of writing to Treasury Secretary Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairmen Bernanke.

Writing a letter vs. enacting legislation. WHEW, that's powerful stuff! (he writes sarcastically).

I think McCain was effective when he pointed out his record on bipartisanship and how Obama has never even taken on the leadership of his own party.

McCain was smart to point out that voters should look at their records and then their proposals.

McCain gave a perfect example of rhetoric vs. record when he pointed this out about Obama...

"When he ran for the United States Senate from Illinois, he said he would have a middle-income tax cut. You know he came to the Senate and never once proposed legislation to do that?"

I couldn't follow Obama on how the computer "was the engine for economic growth over the last couple of decades".

Then he went on with...

"The same way the computer was originally invented by a bunch of government scientists who were trying to figure out, for defense purposes, how to communicate..."

That's not the computer, it's Al Gore's internet that began in the Department of Defense!

I thought it was an interesting slam on Delaware that Obama had "because they've got very -- pretty loose laws when it comes to things like credit cards".

Who does Obama know from Delaware?

Could it be his running mate, the Senator from MBNA?

Obama was confusing about his using force for the Obama doctrine...

"Well, we may not always have national security issues at stake, but we have moral issues at stake.

If we could have intervened effectively in the Holocaust, who among us would say that we had a moral obligation not to go in?"

The Holocaust was ended by our victory over the Nazi's in a little national security issue called World War II.

I believe McCain closed as strong as he opened.

Overall, I felt McCain did well on the economy and dominated on foreign policy.

I thought John McCain looked Presidential and is someone I want representing this country in the world.


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