Saturday, November 01, 2008

Words indeed

ABC News Jake Tapper has this headline...

Obama's New Attack on Those Who Don't Want Higher Taxes: ‘Selfishness’

This coming from a Millionaire who gives at most 5% of his income to charity and as little as less than 1%.

Let's look at where Obama spreads his wealth...

$20,000 to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

$13,000 to the Congressional Black Caucus?

His plan to spread your wealth...


"...God damn America!"

If not wanting to pay higher taxes is selfish, then that would make those who want Obama's three times more in tax cuts SELFISH & GREEDY!

It makes those who don't pay taxes FREELOADERS!

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

It appears the Dummycrat definition of middle class continues to trickle down from the original $250,000...

to $200,000...

to $150,000...

now it's resting, for a time being, at the $120,000 income level.


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