Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Price Is Right?

The Big Lug Nut's spokesperson, Troy Price, actually called his bosses spending practices "frugal".


Spending your way into the red and then borrowing $830 Million, with an additional $899 Million (interests & costs), is the antithesis of frugal.

Frugal and The Fat Man have never met and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Price also shows what a fool he is by stating that
the Department of Management doesn't guess "at numbers before we know what they are".

Check their web site, estimating (or guessing) is exactly what they do.

Price immediately followed that up with this guess, "
But it is quite unlikely we will have a shortfall requiring a special session.”

For the record, Culver's budget shortfall of $58 million is a guess too.


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