Sunday, August 09, 2009

Takin' It To The Streets

If the issue weren't so damn serious, the thought of being chastised for organizing against Obamacare, by those who hailed a community organizer, would be laughable.

First, as a member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, residing at the Not So Vast Right Wing Ranch, I believe I would have gotten the memo and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Second, and labor unions, like SEIU, have remained in campaign organizing mode for quite some time.

I know firsthand some labor unions, like C.W.A, will use union paid time to pay members for missing work to attend rallies.

Obama and the Dummycrats have remained active with Organizing for America and count on mindless drones who need direction, Just tell us where to show up and which congressman or senator we need to talk to.”

CommieTommie Harkin wants you to believe in a 'spiracy, "There was a nationally-coordinated meeting to interrupt (town hall) meetings and stuff like that.

That's what he told the press and those gathered at his townhall.

It makes it easier to discount people who don't believe government is the solution and they wonder why there's anger.

Beatcanvas has a take on the townhall too and he's got an ad for those hiring to help push for Obamacare.


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