Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Put On A Happy Face?

According to the New York Times...

Obama Setting Out to Put Brighter Face on Economy

Per their picture, only Christina D. Romer got the memo and the scientific community is united in that fact.

The Times then mentions a four-letter word — jobs — may well get in the way of Obama's happy face.

Four Letters?

Someone alert the VP!

"As Barack says a three letter word jobs...J-O-B-S"!

The nation's unemployed is expected to rise to more than 10 percent for the first time since 1983.

With Dummycrat action it may not get better

Fed study: Climate bill spells gloom for jobs

The climate change bill passed by the House will mean fewer jobs by 2030 than if Congress did nothing at all.

The adminstration gets so confused over how to spin things.

Just last month Obama (Stim-U-Late-ing) was telling us the stimulus was not designed to work in four months and that we needed to be patient.

Now its, "I can tell you today, without reservation, the Recovery Act is working."

The new trend is to portray Obama as The Joker,

but they're sounding more like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.

At least Biden got it right when he said, in his own inimitable way, "Less bad is not good."!

Locally, the Ragister is trying to smack that smug look off the Big Lug Nut

Take off the rose-colored glasses

They state, his sunny outlook rests on slim evidence.

Others put it more bluntly, "either the governor doesn't understand his own budget or is deliberately misleading Iowans".

The Ragister scores with, the truth is nobody can say for sure what the state's economy will do over the next 12 months, and there is little evidence of a turnaround coming anytime soon.


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