Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Joker Went Wild


On this the forty eighth anniversary of his birth, wherever that was, there's a heavy cost for electing this joker and the scientific community is united in that fact.

$1 Trillion More in Debt Since Obama Took Office

It took the Bush administration over 2 ½ years for the National Debt to increase a trillion dollars.

Obama accomplished that in six months!

He wants to try and blame Bush for money that was in the pipeline, but the Dummycrats have had control of the nation's purse strings since January of 2007.

Out of control spending has Washington billing $33,932 per household in 2009--$8,000 per household more than last year.

That doesn't include the $1 Billion, maybe $3, in Cash for Clunkers, or the $1 Trillion cost of Obamacare.

Couple that with the fact that federal tax receipts are on pace to drop 18 percent this year, the biggest single-year decline since the Great Depression (1932), and you can see why the administration is planning to break its pledge not to raise taxes on 95 percent of Americans.

FYI: it wasn't Kool-Aid, but Flavor Aid they drank in Jonestown.


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