Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rose Colored Glasses

In August the Ragister ran an editorial telling the Big Lug Nut to Take off the rose-colored glasses, stating that his sunny outlook rests on slim evidence.

Krusty Konservative did an excellent job of chronicling BLN's denial for months of economic reality.

All that time he accused those who pointed out the need to act
as playing politics.

Suddenly the BLN is on board, "...But the fact is we need to act. We need to move. I was concerned it would literally take weeks and weeks to reach an agreement.”

Why the rush now?

Is it because the Cook Political Report changed its rating of his re-election race from a slight Culver advantage to a toss-up?

Toss the bum out on his big bum would be more accurate and the scientific community is united in that fact.

For what it's worth, I don't believe the BLN is as optimistic as much as he's a DUMBASS!

There's no other way to explain this quote...

"The fact is clear, Iowa has not spent too much; rather our revenue has fallen off by significant amounts as the result of this national economic recession."

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts -- Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Facts are stubborn things -- Ronald Reagan


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Love the 2 quotes at the end.


10:49 PM


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