Monday, October 05, 2009

The Response?

I've chronicled the Big Lug Nut and crew's inability, over a four week period, to respond to three simple questions concerning an unsolicited mailing my wife received from him (The Not So Great Communicator).

The BLN's actual mailed letter starts...

"Thank you for contacting our office about the important issue of long-term care. We appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us."

The letter bears the date of September 29, so it took 31 days from the initial contact (8/28) to generate a response.

The issue that generated the contact was his mailing concerning "long-term care", but the questions asked were how my wife's name was obtained, the cost of the mailing and who paid for it?

The only story shared has been with readers of the Liter and the scientific community is united in that fact.

The body of the letter goes on to justify the original mailing and ends with this...

"We are always looking for ways to improve our state, and enjoy hearing about the issues facing Iowans today. Please do not hesitate to contact us again in the future, we appreciate hearing from you."

I've got an idea of how we can improve the state, vote out your administration and the legislative Dummycrats who've spent us into a very deep abyss.

Also, anytime you would be contacted "again" would be "in the future" Dumbass!

I'm thinking they really didn't appreciate "hearing from" us.


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