Sunday, October 04, 2009

Bad Medicine

Doctor Obama told us we needed his prescription of the $787 Billion stimulus to keep unemployment from reaching higher than 8%.

The unemployment rate is currently 9.8%.

Now the good(?) Doctor tells us that his proposed health care overhaul would create jobs by making small business startups more affordable.

One small business owner says, I can say with great certainty that anyone that can't afford health insurance on his own doesn't have the seed money to start a new business...PERIOD!

It seems to me that we're killing the patient by trying to cure the disease and the scientific community is united in that fact.

My mother's oncologist says we have the ability, with chemotherapy and radiation, to eradicate cancer in anyone, it's just that the patient dies in the process.

We need to suspend Obama's license for excessive and inappropriate prescribing.


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