Thursday, February 18, 2010


On the same day the President celebrated the $787 Billion stimulus, the Congressional Budget Office said the cost is now up to $862 billion.

Obama believes the stimulus has saved or created 2 million jobs thus far and is on track to save or create another 1.5 million jobs in 2010.

As usual, they're making this shit up and there's no way to measure or verify it and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Are they still including the
Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist?

That's how I became CONgressman of the 00 District.

I love how Obama praised Congress for agreeing to my request that the bill include no earmarks.

Frankly, a quick check shows that he appears to be incorrect.

He and his Vice President also believe none of the money has ended up being misspent.

That's not what Biden said last summer.

Again a quick search shows, The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (called the RAT Board within federal Government circles), in charge of Recovery Act oversight, counts 470 audits, 106 active investigations and 25 cases accepted for prosecutorial review, as of November 30, the latest available data. And government monitors say they're only just beginning.


Blogger tera said...

Amen and hallelujah! And here I thought I was alone in thinking all of this stuff! :)

10:20 PM


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