Thursday, June 03, 2010

Mouth Wedge

I guess because she didn't talk to them, as she was leaving for the airport, is why WHO HD's Shawn Terrell and Keith Murphy had to slam Teri Hatcher (pictured by the Register with fans on the golf course).

Their video hit piece from Wednesday night, below, mentions she "pulled out of the Pro-Am after 14 holes (?) to catch a flight back to California" and that she "brushed past autograph seekers and a few members of the media who were trying to catch a quick word with her".

It's odd because WHO HD knew Tuesday night Hatcher would have to make a quick exit from Wednesday's Principal Charity Classic Pro-Am. The single mother said she needed to catch a plane for her daughter's sixth grade graduation. Hatcher says Iowa seemed like a great place to raise a family.

That's a double bogey, Shankapotomus and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Has anyone else noticed how WHO's on-air errors really seem to pop in HD?

For what it's worth, Hatcher helped raise over $25,000 for charity in her brief Central Iowa stay.


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