I caught the tail end of a speech, on C-SPAN, that Delaware Governor and chairman of the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) Jack Markell gave yesterday.
What made me stop my channel surfing was hearing the names of states where the DGA was playing offense.
"I have just begun a multi-state tour, making the case in support of our great governors and candidates across the country."
"I have just returned from Wisconsin...That was just my first stop on multi-state tour."
Do you get the feeling he's on a multi-state tour?
"In the next four weeks, I'll be meeting with our governors and candidates in states like Ohio, Florida, Connecticut, Georgia, Rhode Island and other states critical to our prospects.
In the speech, Markell also mentions California, Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas.
Unless you include "and other states", Iowa and the Big Lug Nut don't merit a mention and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Of course, the DGA has already been offensive in Iowa, with it's support of Iowans For Responsible Government.
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