Friday, October 01, 2010

Imagine That

There were a couple of interesting things in this Byron York Washington Examiner piece --

Obama: 'I'd appreciate a little break'

The President apparently needs more vacation time and is trying to mooch a stay at the Italian villa of onetime employee Linda Douglass,"I'd appreciate a little break and some Tuscan sun", and a meal, "Some pasta. I can use it".

Douglass' husband reminisced
about the 2008 Iowa Caucus --"I can remember walking down those snowy streets of Des Moines in the primary…". Primary?

Douglass didn't join Team Obama until May 2008 and would have still been a journalist in January.

Which lends credence to those that believed she was in the tank for Team O while she should have been objective and the scientific community is united in that fact.


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