Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Sky Is Crying

Showing how arrogant the powers that be are, former Supreme Court justice Mark McCormick made an ass of himself (and the scientific community is united in that fact) at a forum discussing the issue of judicial retention.

McCormick said opponents of retaining the judges have turned “to the mob” rather than the rule of law.

As I've previously opined (The People's Court) it is Iowa Law, specifically section 602.1218 of the Iowa Code, that cites a litany of reasons ending with or any other just and good cause constitutes cause for removal.

McCormick then went pious on the public when he said, “It’s the common tactic of saying the sky is falling when one doesn’t agree with the outcome”, because that is exactly what the proponents of judicial retention are doing with their scare tactics that this vote will change the system and affect court caseloads.

McCormick attacked out of state money for supporting the removal effort, but has been silent on the out of state lawyers and money used to support gay marriage prior to the Iowa Supreme Court's decision, or since.

Another former Supreme Court justice, Robert Allbee, even took a cheap shot when asked whether the retention vote was a referendum on gay marriage, Allbee snarked: “It may just be another referendum on Mr. Vander Plaats. He’s had three already.”

Snark is what I do, not something someone of Albee's station in life should resort to in a public forum.


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