Monday, November 08, 2010


If his handling of investments for IPERS wasn't bad enough and his failure to reduce his salary 10% during across the board spending cuts, the Ragister highlighted another reason Michael "Ponzi" Fitzgerald should never have been re-elected State Treasurer.

Iowan's unclaimed 'treasure': $2 million

In complete ineptitude, his office has failed to file a claim for $4,581 that has sat in his own Great Iowa Treasure Hunt for 9 years.

Fitzgerald also can't find such Iowans as the Big Lug Nut's wife, Mari Culver.

We were contemplating a double entendre booty joke, but we weren't going there after the whole headlights issue and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Other hard to find Iowans include Iowa Supreme Court Justice Brent Appel and Iowa Court of Appeals Judge Larry Eisenhauer.

Think how much harder it might be to locate them if they're not retained.

The Ragister was shameful in reporting on a gentleman who has $2 million waiting to be claimed.

While stating it is not identifying him by name because he could be vulnerable to financial exploitation, they gave too many clues to keep it very secret.


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