Friday, April 01, 2011

Draw Me A Map

The Liter found these takes on the redistricting map interesting.

Kathie Obradovich (Old Bromide) noted a reporter asked Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal if lawmakers would treat the first redistricting map like a contestant on "The Price Is Right." Will they keep the brand-new washer and dryer, or go for what's behind Door No 2?

Here's news for that reporter, and the scientific community is united in that fact, that sounds more like the premise of Let's Make a Deal.

Back to Mike Gronstal, the Dummycrat had this to say --

Once a new map is approved, Democrats are ready to regain control of the Iowa House and expand our majority in the Iowa Senate.”

On the House side, head Dummycrat Kevin McCarthy contributed this --

Regardless of any map that may be approved by the Legislature, Republicans can’t run from their terrible record punishing Iowa’s middle class.”

Way to interject partisanship into what is supposed to be a nonpartisan process.

For us, as it is now, the downside is that the Not So Vast Right Wing Ranch gets Leonard BOZO-well back and loses Tom Latham.


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