Monday, March 19, 2012

Government Hooker

Jason Clayworth (pictured) of the Ragister, is the author of this article

'Ag gag' backers were also donors

Clayworth highlights political contributions to Governor Branstad and State Senator Joe Seng (Dummycrat Davenport) while glossing over the more than $20,500 that Senate Democratic Leader Michael Gronstal received.

Gronstal has far greater control over issues than Branstad or Seng, as he is the Dictator of what comes to a vote in the Senate (Gronstal will block marriage amendment).

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

The Ragister has previously highlighted its feelings for Gronstal (This dictator was elected, and we're glad).

Seng probably gets singled out for his almost $8,000 in contributions because he's challenging Dummycrat CONgressman Dave No Sack...err Loebsack.

Seng filed for CONgress on Friday, the Liter wonders what took the Ragister so long for its (first of many) hit piece.


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