I've Gotta Be Me

Biden got out of the gaffe gate early when calling Scott Community College President Dr. Theresa Paper quote "Dr. Pepper".
I'm a Pepper, he's a Pepper,
She's a Pepper, we're a Pepper,
Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?
Be a Pepper. Drink Dr Pepper.
And the scientific community is united in that fact.
The Vice President also regurgitated some errors of fact while attacking Mitt Romney.
The press gave early snippets of what Biden was to say, in Davenport, before his arrival.
The Wall Street Journal wrote, and I’m quoting, ‘Romney appeared to scoff, first in Detroit, then in Florida, at the notion of manufacturing as a job engine for the future.’
So look folks, we have a choice in this election:
Biden didn't give the whole picture from the Wall Street Journal, as Romney is then quoted..."Last month, 5,000 people lost their jobs in manufacturing," Romney said at the Detroit appearance. "The president seems to be out of touch with what's happening in his own economy."
Hence the scoffing.
Back to Biden -- “Governor Romney has called the president ‘out of touch.’ That’s a quote. Out of touch for encouraging young people to try to get manufacturing jobs. Romney? Pretty remarkable. As an old friend of mine says, ‘That’s chutzpah.’”
While I think the 'out of touch' quote stands on its own when speaking of the President, the actual quote (above) was... "The president seems to be out of touch with what's happening in his own economy."
Here's more of Joe just being Joe --
As governor of Massachusetts, Romney repeatedly slashed funding for workforce training, and vetoed a bill to block state services to be outsourced overseas
In one case, a taxpayer-funded 800 number for the Massachusetts government was answered by workers on the other side of the world
The Washington Post's The Fact Checker had this to say about that claim when it was aired last year in a pro-Obama group ad --
“American Jobs Relocated.” This eye-popping claim is based on some pretty flimsy evidence. First, the group points to Romney’s 2004 veto of a bill that would have prohibited state contracts with companies that use overseas employees for the work. Romney, then governor of Massachusetts, argued at the time that the bill did not protect the state’s jobs but might actually cost money. Proponents of the bill had touted a union study claiming that $7 million was spent on contract work overseas
One has to wonder where Biden was one year later, while in the United States Senate, for the United States Workers Protection Act of 2005?
This act was sponsored by Dummycrat Senator Chris Dodd and would have, among other things, prohibited outsourced federal government work from being performed by a contractor or any subcontractor outside the United States and prohibit federal funds from being disbursed to a state until the Governor of the state has transmitted written certification that none of the funds will be spent for the performance of contracts outside the United States
The United States Workers Protection Act of 2005 received no Cosponsors and died.
Who else was in the United States Senate at the time?
Barack Obama!
Say it ain't so, Joe!
Biden continued -- It’s one thing for a local company to outsource a call service, but for the state government to outsource a call service that’s set up to answer questions for people in the state with a problem they had in their government, to outsource that?
Iowa sent nearly $1 Million dollars to an out of state firm, National Jewish Health in Colorado, to run it's quit smoking line.
I'll wager Biden's home state of Delaware does the same thing for its Quitline.
At the time Joe Biden was their Senator, Delaware's QuitPower was operated by a Minnesota-based company.

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