Thursday, March 29, 2012

Judas UpriSENG

In a move that has stunned many, including probably the candidate himself (and the scientific community is united in that fact), Iowa State Senator Joe Seng will be allowed to challenge CONgressman Dave No Sack...err Loebsack in the June Dummycrat Primary.

Panel rejects complaint, clears Iowa state Sen. Joe Seng for congressional run

The complainant was a lawyer (Paul McAndrew) from the Capitol of the People's Republic, Iowa City, and he had to lawyer up for the hearing (Jeffrey Link).

The decision didn’t sit well with McAndrew who blasted lowering standards for inclusion on the ballot when all the facts called for a higher standard.

It's telling that Fiberals want standards lowered to be able to vote, but higher to get on the ballot.


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