Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Story In Your Eyes

Politicians in both party's like to pull at people's heart strings, which is why so many everyday individuals have their stories used for campaign purposes.

Michelle Obama's Central Iowa appearance was no exception.

Michelle Obama to Iowans: ‘We all know who my husband is’

The First Lady was introduced by a lawyer who said she had good health care coverage. Then she lost her job, and she couldn’t find a company willing to insure her, partly because of a pre-existing condition.

She is now in one of the insurance pools for people with pre-existing conditions and says -- “I’ve yet to hear from a person who’s lost their insurance who thinks what people call ‘Obamacare’ is a bad idea".

This seems to me like we're not getting the full story.

Having lost her job she would have qualified for COBRA.

Coverage under COBRA would then have allowed for portability and continued coverage under The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Both COBRA and HIPAA predate Obamacare.

Naturally, the glorified note takers that pass for the press don't know enough to ask any questions and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Note that in the 22 pictures the Ragister posted on line, there is only one American flag shown and it the bastardized version pictured here.

It appears that it was a 55-year-old nurse from Ames who cheered and waved a small American flag desecration.


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