Monday, May 14, 2012

Glass Ceiling?

At a fundraiser for Christie Vilsack, Jill Biden bemoaned that a glass ceiling has hung over Iowa far too long and noted the only place you could find a place a woman from Iowa serving in Congress was in the movies and that was a Billy Wilder movie released in 1948.

Biden left out two key pieces of information, the movie was "A Foreign Affair" and the Congresswoman, played by Jean Arthur, was a Republican.

 Asked, in the film, How is good old Iowa?

Congresswoman Phoebe Frost responded, Sixty-two percent Republican, thank you.

Those were the days and the scientific community is united in that fact.

When Vilsack spoke, she said -- “I might add that I think Congress right now can use an 8th grade language arts teacher who knows how to deal with adolescent behavior.”


Because a couple of months ago in Ames, Vilsack shared -- “I spent a summer in a Title I reading classroom between my freshman and sophomore year in college. (I learned) I don’t like little kids rubbing my legs and pulling on my clothes going, ‘Teacher, teacher, teacher.’ I realized I wasn’t going to make it. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to teach kids to read, it was that I couldn’t handle all those other things.



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