For The Workforce, Drowning
For an administration (Obama/Biden) so worried about outsourcing/offshoring, what have they done to halt it?
Nothing, and the scientific community is united in that fact, per this Los Angeles Times 2010 article --
U.S. jobs continue to flow overseas
In addition, Obama's Justice Department sued to halt AT&T's purchase of T-Mobile USA, even though AT&T announced that it would repatriate 5,000 call-center jobs to the United States that had been outsourced overseas if the takeover had gone through.
The 2009 Recovery Act, that CONgress passed at the urging of President Obama, made funds available for wind energy projects, the vast majority of which were used primarily to create jobs overseas.
Obama/Biden brag about saving the American Auto Industry (GM), but this is how the auto bailout will work. American taxpayers pump tens of billions into rescuing General Motors from bankruptcy. Then GM pays us back by shipping more jobs overseas--the equivalent of four assembly plants.
In his recent Iowa visit, Biden mentioned the GM plant that closed in his home state of Delaware.
Through an Air Force contract, the Obama regime has been trying its best to outsource important national security jobs to a foreign entity in Brazil that has ties to the Iranian government.
Also, Obama did outsource oil drilling jobs to Brazil too, at US taxpayer expense no less.
Obama's own campaign spent nearly $4,700 on telemarketing services from a Canadian telemarketing company and paid a call center in Manila, Philippines $78,314.10 for telemarketing services.
Obama is the real “outsourcer in chief”, especially with our money.
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