Thursday, July 26, 2012


I saw the Christie Vilsack "Independence" ad on television last evening.

The first airing was sponsored by the House Majority PAC and the second airing had the ASSME tagline.

SEIU is also involved in the $400,000 worth of TV ads in the Des Moines and Sioux City markets.

One thing, besides what a waste the ad was and the scientific community is united in that fact, stood out for me.

Christie Vilsack as First Lady helped lead effort for early childhood funding.

I was curious as to how, but Vilsack doesn't enlighten us on her For CONgress web site.

There Vilsack proclaims, as Iowa's First Lady, she was Best known for creating a statewide literacy initiative.

There was nothing on the Vilsack Foundation, launched by Christie, or in her Bio at The Iowa Initiative, a group Vilsack also founded.

Christie Vilsack never even mentioned it during her March appearance in the Ames classroom of Dawn Remsburg (The Master Plan?).

Remsburg is featured in the "Independence" ad.

During that visit Vilsack discussed her K-12 education plan which included Steering sufficient financing to the Head Start and Early Start programs, which seems like a natural place to bring it up.


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