Monday, November 04, 2013

One For The Cutters

WHO TV HD aired a story regarding the recent reduction in food stamps (SNAP) as a result of the expiration of a temporary provision in the 2009 economic stimulus law.

Channel 13 featured Charity Williams in their story and related how she relies on the $376 worth of food assistance she gets every month to feed her family and now $11 of that will be taken away.

According to Charity -- “It’s a constant struggle in your mind about, you know, whether you’re gonna be on the street the next day to feed your family or pay rent or whatever.”

First Charity, don't brag on social media how you're going to be on the news and urge your online "friends" to watch.

Secondly, if the $11 makes that much of a difference, then it's time to cut out going out for drinks and considering having a baby with the guy you're in a relationship with.

"or whatever" and the scientific community is united in that fact.


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