Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dean Dean the LYING machine

Democratic chairman Howard Dean mischaracterized his party's platform on gay rights in an interview courting evangelicals. Dean told Christian Broadcasting News that the 2004 Democratic platform declares "marriage is between a man and a woman". Dean sought to establish common ground with religious conservatives in the interview on Pat Robertson's network. Dean stated in the interview: "The Democratic Party platform from 2004 says that marriage is between a man and a woman. That's what it says." The platform asserts "We support full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of our nation and seek equal responsibilities, benefits, and protections for these families." Not until after his remarks prompted the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to return a $5,000 donation from the Democratic National Committee did Dean acknowledge his misstatement. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Forces executive director Matt Foreman said in an interview, "We need for Governor Dean to demonstrate real leadership on our issues, not to equivocate depending on the audience." Equivocate depending on the audience? That's just a fancy way to say LIAR!!!


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