Thursday, July 20, 2006

Barack to the Future

Senator Barack Obama (Dummycrat Illinois) will be the featured speaker at CommieTommie Harkin's annual fall steak fry. (Click cartoon to enlarge)

Obama(pictured with Teddy) was elected in 2004, but his name comes up in 2008 Presidential speculation. I've also seen it linked to a V.P. slot with Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Here's what CommieTommie had to say, "I think his standing has risen rapidly." There's the understatement of the young century.

Here's what Peggy Noonan recently wrote in The Wall Street Journal about Obama and a Time magazine piece where Obama compared himself to Lincoln...

Barack Obama, the son of two University of Hawaii students, went to Columbia and Harvard Law after attending a private academy that taught the children of the Hawaiian royal family. He made his name in politics as an aggressive Chicago vote hustler in Bill Clinton's first campaign for the presidency.

You see the similarities

There is nothing wrong with Barack Obama's résumé, but it is a log-cabin-free zone. So far it also is a greatness-free zone. If he keeps talking about himself like this it always will be.

Mr. Obama said he keeps a photographic portrait of Lincoln on the wall of his office, and that "it asks me questions."

I'm sure it does. I'm sure it says, "Barack, why are you such an egomaniac?"


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