No sympathy here!

My parents got me interested in reading the newspaper at an early age. I remember reading Potomac Fever, a column in the Ragister, before I knew what the Potomac was or even how to pronounce it.
Because of that I developed an interest in current events. Naturally, Television and TV news became a way to feed that interest.
Therefore, I have been witness to the Main Stream Media's slide down the slippery slope of their own self importance.
For me that became quite clear during the Watergate era. I'll never forget Dan Rather's obnoxious "No sir, are you?" response to President Nixon questioning if he was running for something. As well as the overabundant use of anonymous sources so the press can become the next Woodward and Bernstein.
The MSM is taking heat because of recent disclosure's that inspire our enemies without benefitting society as a whole. They do so while hiding behind their shield of "Freedom of the Press" and expecting us to bow down to them as if they're some golden idol and accountable to no one.
Like most Americans, these so called news people have no clue as to what it actually says in THE BILL OF RIGHTS! They only hear what activist judges read into it, or make up their own interpretation.
ARTICLE 1) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble anf to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
(Highlight is mine)
With these freedom's comes responsibility. Just as there are limits to free speech there are also limits to freedom of the press.
The MSM has become too irresponsible!
They have been left unchecked and have given us The Washington Post's Janet Cooke with her made up Pulitzer winning story, The New York Times' Jayson Blair with in person reporting when he never left his apartment, CBS News Dan Rather and Mary Mapes fabricated hit piece on President Bush's Air National Guard service. Those are just three examples off the top of my head.
I spent a decade as an On-Air Personality, so on a local level I've had many opportunities to witness their superior than though attitude. Whether it involved those they covered or in social settings when they would unmercifully belittle conservatives they worked with.
The Drudge Report has a link to a story that's titled, "Journalist and 'Leakers" Feel Heat". That story mentions the Justice Department is investigating reporters for The New York Times and The Washington Post. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has stated that, in the interest of national security, journalists can be prosecuted for disclosing classified information.
The MSM should know, most of all, that no one is above the law!
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