Saturday, October 14, 2006

Billy Boy, Billy Boy

Charming Billy will be in Des Moines later to WOW the Dummycrats at their Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner.

To paraphrase the Ragister, he'll be "In & Out". Arriving just before the event and leaving before it's over.

They're so proud of Bubba that 3,000 are expected to attend.

Which reminds me of this exchange Tim Russert had with Missouri Senate wannabe Claire McCaskill Sunday on "Meet the Press".....

Russert: You're having Bill Clinton come in to raise money for you. Do you think Bill Clinton was a great president?

McCaskill: I do. I think--I have a lot of problems with some of his, his, his personal issues. I said at--

Russert: But do you--

McCaskill: I said at the time, "I think he's been a great leader, but I don't want my daughter near him."

How does that make sense to anyone with a functioning brain?

.... "Did she bid you to come in,
Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Did she bid you to come in,
Charming Billy?
Yes, she bade me to come in,
And to kiss her on the chin.
She's a young thing,
And cannot leave her mother."


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