Saturday, December 23, 2006

Pondering Polls

One of my pet peeves about the press is the hypothetical question, "what if".

In sports its, what if the season ended today?

It doesn't!

In politics its, what if the election were today?

It isn't!

I suppose in science its, what if frogs had wings?

They wouldn't flop their butts every time they jumped!

KCCI/TV8 commissioned a poll to find who 600 Iowans would support if the Iowa Caucus was held December 18-20, 2006.

For non-Iowans that's 13 months too soon.

With a statistical margin for error of + or - 4 percentage points, the poll found KCCI/TV 8 has too much money on their hands and a need to generate news.

For the Dummycrats; rich, pretty boys John Edwards and Barack Obama tied with 22%.

The Pickle polled 12% and the Hillary Rodham Clinton trolled at 10%.

On the Republican side John McCain polled 27%, Rudy Guiliani 26% and Mitt Romney 9%.

I won't go further into the poll where they paired potential nominees against the other and even brought one back from the politically dead (Al Gore).

Speaking of the dead, Exhume Goldwater '08 is a candidate I could support!

I'm talking early '60s Barry Goldwater, the candidate even HRC supported....

"To insist on strength … is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering."

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

Not the early '90s Barry Goldwater that became senile and supported Hillary.


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