Monday, February 12, 2007

Hey, I'm tawkin' here

Hillary Rodham Clinton alluded to the fact she's the Dummycrat that Republicans most fear.

"I'm the one person they are most afraid of...."

Not for the reasons she believes!

Senator Chuck Schumer (D/NY) pulled a Biden when he said...the country is not ready to have Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama on the same ticket.

"Well, first woman and first black, you don't want to - it may be hard."

"You know, the American people, I think they would vote for a woman. And I think they would vote for a black, an African-American,"

"But tickets are good to have some balance."

Since then, Schumer has become considerably more politically correct, saying his main concern is that it wouldn't have geographical balance - meaning a Southerner.

Oh, the Howard Dean Southern strategy of going after voters..."with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks."


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