My John Kerry Moment?
It's not quite I was for it before I was against it.
I once was an officer of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) for most of the 1990s.
I was led to believe that the Union had to legally represent all employees, union and non-union equally because Iowa was a "right to work" state.
When I went into a meeting with management regarding an employee, I didn't care whether they were members or not.
I went in an represented that employee to the best of my ability.
After the meeting some employees would share that they weren't union members.
I told them that was immaterial to me, my job was to represent them.
Some would ask for a union membership card at that point.
Some also joined after the outcome was reached.
I always believed that if i set a good leadership example, others would follow.
I told you that to tell you this.
With Congress and the Iowa State House under Dummycrat control, the labor movement is calling in its chits, at all levels, in an effort to get labor friendly legislation.
In Iowa labor would love a repeal of the "right to work" laws of this state.
Dummycrats are too scared to openly make that happen so the came up with a "Fair Play" compromise, right out of the Labor playbook.
Under this legislation non members would be required to pay a portion of dues to the union for services the union provides.
Now the Scaredycrats, err Dummycrats have whittled that down from all union shops to just public employees and this form passed the Iowa Senate last night.
Regardless of what has appeared in the Ragister under a name similar to mine, it is a common name, I haven't commented on "Fair Share" until today.
Under a CWA contract I was paid by the company in any meeting with them, so there was no additional cost to the union.
During my decade at the top of a CWA local, I attended two bargaining meetings.
There is no additional cost to a union to bargain a contract whether it represents 100 or 1,000 employees.
It's just better in negotiations to represent 100% of the employees versus 50%.
Labors argument is weak and has no merit!
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