Summer, my time of year

The talking heads on TV were complaining about the warm weather the last couple of days.
The weather wench asked the other two wienies if they'd turned on their air and one had!
I'm sure "Gore-Bull" warming has got something to do with it.
I came across this the other day by another phony fiberal eco-nut...
Flogging the British release of his film "Wild Hogs" recently, John Travolta urged everyone to "do their bit" to combat global warming...
...London's Daily Mail, which quickly calculated that Travolta -- who it says owns at least five aircraft of various sizes, which he parks at his private home/airport in Florida -- leaves an annual "carbon footprint" of pollution nearly 100 times greater than that of the average British citizen.
...Travolta said that even though he is sensitive to the environment, he needs his own planes because it's a big hassle to be a movie star and get around. He also told reporters that the answer to global warming might possibly be to build domed cities in space.
Has he been sharing ideas with Sheryl Crow?
So what's the solution?
According to the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) leading scientists are expected to back a major expansion of nuclear power as a way of saving the world from global warming.
Isn't that the same group that got all the press when they said man was to blame for "Gore-Bull" warming?
That's got to scare all of those who genuflect at the altar of the U.N.
There's no chance the U.N. could be wrong, after all the scientific community is united in that fact.
Or is it?
During the last 10,000 years climate has been seesawing between the North and South Atlantic Oceans. As revealed by findings presented by Quaternary scientists at Lund University, Sweden, cold periods in the north have corresponded to warmth in the south and vice verse. These results imply that Europe may face a slightly cooler future than predicted by IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Summertime is the best time anyplace
Cuz its summer, summertime is here
Yes its summer, my time of year
(Words are by WAR, but its my sentiments exactly)
Nice picture of cooling towers, the function of which is to release heat from the working fluid (exchange coolant, not the same fluid that comes in contact with the fuel rods) to the atmosphere. hmmm. Heating the atmosphere. that will cool things off - sure.
12:12 PM
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