Don't Pay the Ferryman

A penny saved is a big F U to the powers that be and the scientific community is united in that fact.
It won't be long before it's back before the voters.
I saw Indianola Mayor Jerry Kelly, a yes backer, on TV and he refused to call it a defeat.
More like an ass whooping, the Ragister called the defeat "deafening".
If I remember correctly it took three tries for the sales tax increase for schools to pass, in Polk County, and it became successful when they promoted it as for the children.
It galled me that entities that don't pay property taxes contributed to the yes campaign.
Mercy Medical Center-Des Moines, $30,000; Iowa Health System, $25,000.
If they've got money to waste it's time to put it in Des Moines' coffers.
I begin flipping around the tube about 9:15p.m. thinking I might get some sort of results, but there was nothing for a long time.
Eventually I caught WOI/TV5 scrawling results across the screen bottom, but they had it passing by huge margins in Polk County.
They posted results for Carlisle and had it winning 100% and then abruptly the scrawl was removed.
No wonder their ratings suck.
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