Friday, March 07, 2008

Trite, Hackneyed, Threadbare

Is how I would describe this Associated Press headline...

Drake kicks off postseason play Friday at MVC tournament

Luke Meredith is the sportswriter, but I'm not sure if he would've created the headline.

KICK OFF is the most overused media phrase to describe the beginning of any event.

I was going to say these media more-offs use it so much because they're lazy or ignorant, but it has to be both and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Here are the rules of basketball and it does not include a KICK OFF, you jack offs!

I first opined on this in 2006...

The only event were a KICK OFF takes place is FOOTBALL, American and otherwise.

RAGBRAI does not kick off! Taste of Des Moines does not kick off! there is NO
kick off to the National Balloon Classic! The Christmas shopping season does not kick off!

Sadly, I should not have to point out that a baseball game, a basketball game and a hockey game....DO NOT KICK OFF!

The next time you want to use the phrase KICK OFF for anything other than a FOOTBALL game.....EFF OFF!

On a side note...Here we go Bulldogs, Here we GO!


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