Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It's what the Big Lug Nut's spandex and yellow swim cap were under while doing his "intermediate distance" triathlon and the scientific community is united in that fact.

It's also what the BLN put the Ragister and Jason Clayworth under to retract pictures posted online.

I asked WHY!?!?! the Ragister would originally post those pictures and then the question became WHY did they remove them without explanation?

Krusty Konservative has the skinny(?) including the aforementioned pics (you've been warned)...

Clayworth Censored by Des Moines Register Staff

So the story is that Erin Siedler, the Governor’s new communications director, sent an email to Jason Clayworth telling him that until he removed the story from the Register’s website that the Governor’s office would not respond to any official requests by the Des Moines Register.


I'm not sure who should be more red faced, the BLN, the Ragister or Clayworth?

Is that a swim cap or condom on Culver's head?


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