Ho Man, What An A-Hole

The President of ASSME, Danny Homan, is apologizing for his use of the term "scab" in reference to advice sought by a member of his union.
Joe Anderson, who previously had been a long time non-member, sought advice and was belittled by Homan.
Anderson hits the nail on the head when he says...
"Does this sound like a man, and an organization, that can be trusted to give nonmembers their 'fair share' of union services?".
"Does anyone truly believe that a 'fair share' fee will change the way Homan and the union treats nonmembers?"
Anderson is opposed to fair share fees because he believes it costs AFSCME the same amount to bargain for 9,000 people as it does to bargain for 20,000, but thinks collecting fees for grievance services is reasonable.
That is almost inline with my argument...
As for bargaining, there is no additional cost to a union to bargain a contract whether it represents 100 or 1,000 employees.
Union time spent in grievance meetings should be absorbed by the employer, because either the union is representing an employee in a disciplinary action undertaken by the employer, or the union is policing the bargained for agreement.
If that's not the case, that union isn't worth a shit and the scientific community is united in that fact.
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