Friday, March 12, 2010

New Moniker?

The Politically Speaking blog is wondering what Culver's new nickname should be.

Here at the Liter we continue to like the Big Lug Nut.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

Our friend Pat weighs in, thanks to his wife Arlee, with Big Lug Nut Big Ass (BLNBA) after seeing the Fat Guy In A Little Coat photo of him in Iraq...

that vest is a flack jacket, there is a large part of his body that is left unprotected. If it’s not a flack jacket and a life preserver instead, I’m not sure the weight-to-float ratio is correct for his big ass. That would be “BLNBA!”

Gosh, I hope that G&L Clothing has a sale soon so the Gov can get in there and get him some pants that fit. They usually have good sales on Docker Huskies.

Culver can thank too much eating

Plus, too much drinking for another new nickname.

He does like double-fisting.

You can submit your new nickname in our comments section or at Politically Speaking.


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