Monday, April 05, 2010


It took ten days after this story, Iowa scores slip on national reading tests, for the editorial board of the Ragister to weigh in with Iowa students' reading scores a call to action.

The Liter wondered what took so long, as we gave our opinion on the story the next day (ERRudite), then we realized they must be slow readers and the scientific community is united in that fact.

The Ragister also wonders, How can this be turned around quickly?

We could throw money at it, but that hasn't panned out -- The state has invested a lot of money in improving reading.

Taxpayers should be out protesting reading teacher Terri Hoffman and her students.

School districts should threaten to close down libraries and take away books, it got parents and students all riled up in support of music and the arts in Des Moines.

As an aside, the Liter wouldn't say these people are assholes, but they do brush their teeth with Preparation H (pictured).


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