Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Hits Keep Coming

Terry Branstad is in the BULLseye of Iowans for Responsible Government (IfRG?).

On Tuesday, I received my first mailing and Saturday's mail brought this second piece.

I'm not sure why IfRG chose Mt. Rushmore as a backdrop, I guess with the specs and 'stache TEB looks TR-esque.

The purpose of IfRG -- To communicate with the Citizens of Iowa on issues of importance without expressly advocating election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate.

It's obvious IfRG, led by Rob Tully (an ally of the Big Lug Nut), have a deep seated fear of the onetime Governor.

There's some Bill Clinton lawyering going on around the meaning of "expressly advocating" and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Sources cited, but lacking parenthetical documentation in the mailing, include the nefarious RekHA Basu and Old Bromide, Kathie Obradovich.


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