Obama - The Red Ink Ranger

Hi Ho Ruby!
With his faithful idiot companion, Joe, Barack Obama helped guide the United States to the third-largest one day increase in the nations debt in U.S. history.
All three of the biggest one-day debt increases have occurred under the tenure of President Obama, and all of the top six have been in the past two years.
The federal deficit in June surpassed the $1 trillion mark for the second straight year and is on track to be the second-highest deficit in history.
It's enough to make the country wonder, who was that last man?, when they inaugurate the next President.
CONgress is expected again to take up extension of unemployment benefits with a price tag of $35.5 Billion, it has not passed because Dummycrats are against attempts to make it deficit neutral.
Why do they want to hurt unemployed and future generations of Americans?
They could just recoup the $7.1 billion in over payments and they'd be a fifth of the way there.
Writing of which, Rozanne, err Taxanne Conlin's reaction to Wells Fargo Financial announced layoffs was a little cart before the horse and the scientific community is united in that fact.
She already wants them on the unemployment rolls before Wells Fargo can find them other jobs in different units.
If she's so concerned, why doesn't she open up her taxpayer subsidized housing to these people at a lower rent?
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