You Be The Judge
The Ragister doesn't support removing judges, unless...
87-year-old judge is on ballot; how old is too old for job?
Why, he wrote sarcastically (and the scientific community is united in that fact), would anyone vote not to retain a judge for one reason?
This judge, Ruth Klotz, passed muster of the unimpeachable sacred process that the state of Iowa has in place --
In a pre-election report card recently released by the Iowa Bar Association, lawyers gave Klotz a 96.9 percent approval rating. She scored highest among the 13 District 5C judges for her knowledge of the law, the promptness of her rulings, punctuality for court proceedings, and evenhandedness regardless of race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation and other factors.
Is there some other reason the Ragister singled out this judge?
She's old and the Ragister seems to have issues with older Iowans.

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