Yuan Help Biden Help Boswell?

Demonstrating how to "strangle them" Republicans, Vice President Joe Biden jets carbon neutrally into the Capitol city for a fundraiser for one of the "dullest" members of CONgress, Leonard BOZO-well.
Roughly 225 guests will pay a minimum of $150 per ticket, or 1001 Chinese Yuan Renminbi, to get Bidened by the man who believes he's second in the line of succession to the President.
BOZO-well's latest commercial slams his challenger Brad Zaun for wanting to give "our money" to Wall Street.
It would have been nice if the CONgressman could have remembered it was "our money" he's been spending all those years in Washington and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Previously BOZO-well and the Dummycrats have attacked Zaun for shipping jobs overseas, yet BOZO-well voted (Roll Call 1140 & 1177) for the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 which has killed jobs in the U.S. and sent them to China.
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