Monday, November 08, 2010


The drama queen's who are hyperventilating about the non retention of three Iowa Supreme Court justices is a bit much.

Will justices vote tarnish or help Iowa's image?

As the pro retention vote liked to remind everyone, it doesn't change the court's ruling on gay marriage.

I also enjoy how those so distraught over this vote are appalled that the justice's fate would be decided by one ruling.

These same people couldn't name any other ruling by the Iowa Supreme Court and most were probably not aware that Iowa has a Supreme Court.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

I'm glad the Ragister ran an opinion piece from an Iowa attorney, Steve Waechter, who had no problem with the judge's ouster...

Vote shows political sophistication of Iowans

The voters of Iowa chose to exercise a check on the judiciary by removing some of its members, which was their right under our law.

The Wall Street Journal weighed in with...

Iowa's Total Recall
Voters give activist judges the boot. Lawyers are shocked

Maybe if judges behaved less like politicians, they'd have less reason to fear recall votes.

Far from a beacon of judicial independence, the three Iowa justices were fired because they put their own political preferences above their commitment to the law. If judges want to avoid recalls, they should leave social legislation to legislators.


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