On this 41st Earth Day, let's take a look at the latest with the green movement.
Al Gore, last week in Washington D.C. at Power Shift 2011, compared action on global warming to the Civil Rights movement.
Also in attendance were Van Jones and 10,000 young leaders (?) from across the country.
Attendees either took planes, trains, buses, cars or some other polluting device to reach their destination and the scientific community is united in that fact.
They then went out and protested against Coal and Big Oil.
In other green news...
Apple named 'least green' tech company
A company that Al Gore has served on the Board of Directors for since 2003.
In New York City, the U.N. tried to remove any record of its prediction of 50 million climate refugees by 2010 because they missed the mark by 50 million.
Locally, a major corporation's event is going green-err by utilizing another companies renewable energy credits to offset their carbon emissions.
“Subsidizing ‘good ‘ energy in order to justify ‘bad’ energy is like eating salad in order to justify eating dessert. It is an exercise in self-deception”.
No indication if it will include the planes used to fly everyone in, the complimentary new Cadillacs each participant uses while in town, or the vehicles required to transport workers and spectators.
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