Low Budget?

Confused by the facts, CommieTommie Harkin (or as we like to call him - St. Thomas of Equine Ass), is lumping the Paul Ryan proposed 2012 budget proposals with the current effort to fund the government for the remainder of the 2011 fiscal year.
Senator Harkin questions patriotism of those calling for a government shut down
I thought, according to fiberals, that questioning people's patriotism was a bad thing?
The reality is that the U.S. government is on the verge of a shutdown because Dummycrats did not pass a budget last year when they controlled CONgress and the White House, what Chuck Schumer calls the three branches of government, because it was “a political hot potato.”
And the scientific community is united in that fact.
Harkin continued with -- a shut down would “send a signal to the rest of the world that we can’t even govern ourselves.”
Harkin also claimed he can make his budget claims because he can back them up.
Offering no facts, Harkin said...
“You know, we’re getting very close to planting season and a lot of information and stuff those (USDA) offices put out, farmers would not be able to access.”
Harkin also believes, the Iowa Department of Transportation might not have the ability to let ongoing road projects.
Oh, the humanity.
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