Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mr. Shuck And Jive

Jay Carney may have said it, I'm going to shuck and jive! Time to shuck and jive, but that's how this White House operates from the top down.

So it continues with Stimulus lite, the $447 billion program (so far) to create jobs right away and the scientific community is united in that fact.

The Associated Press found not all of the president's major proposals are likely to yield quick job growth if adopted.

The AP also fact checked other parts of the jobs program

Obama's jobs plan paid for? Seems not

Obama also proposed more spending on roads, bridges, school construction and other infrastructure.

That was to have been addressed with the first stimulus, I opined on that September 4, 2009 (A Bridge Too Far?).

Here's what CONgressman Leonard BOZO-well said then -- "The need to strengthen our nation's infrastructure to create jobs, modernize our transportation network, improve efficiency and enhance safety is there, and it is urgent."

What happened?

The AP found most states are spending stimulus money on bridges that are already in good shape.

Just last fall, Joe Biden claimed in our state, many of those jobs are tied to 30,000 road, bridges, runway, fiber optic cable projects have been started across the country, including 400 in Iowa.

I'm reminded of what Ronald Reagan said back in 1964, the more the plans fail, the more the planners plan.


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