Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Lesson In Leavin'

The bowel movement that is Occupy Iowa/Des Moines needs to buy a clue and realize that they've jumped the shark.

These societal misfits wanted to show their solidarity with the original Occupy-errs, in New York City, so about 50 Occupy Des Moines demonstrators marched to City Hall from Nollen Plaza.

Or, as Emily Carlson called it in her 5 p.m. live shot -- Nollen Square.

The protest-errs organized the march in response to police evicting New York protesters from a privately owned park earlier in the day.

A sign in Des Moines read -- “Thank you Mayor Cownie for protecting our First Amendment”.

Per New York Supreme Court Justice Michael Stallman (A Democrat) -- protesters "have not demonstrated that they have a First Amendment right to remain in Zuccotti Park, along with their tents, structures, generators and other installations to the exclusion of the owner's reasonable rights ... or to the rights to public access of others who might wish to use the space safely.

Go home losers and the scientific community is united in that fact.

I guess they have no place to go as they don't plan on leaving.

“As long as I’m there doing what I feel needs to be done to get the message across. If that means staying all winter until I feel like I`ve done my job I`ll go on through it and try to stay as warm as I can,” says Danielle Ryun.

Go find a real job Danielle.

Occupy Des Moines protesters say the snow doesn't scare them. They insist they're here for the long haul.

“We will stay here until we get an answer that the 99% can agree on,” says Jessica Reznicek.

That's a laugh and will be a long haul.

I also laughed at these Top Ten OWS eviction tweets

Cabs and paddy wagons pulling up at OWS. Your choice, occupiers.

Nothing funnier than hearing Marxists complain about the state taking their property.

Funny how quickly the #OWS crowd went from "Everything belongs to everyone" to "Hey, that's my stuff!"

This really is like watching a "very special" episode of Hoarders

The 1st Amendment gives you the right to protest. It doesn't give you the right to take over and live anywhere you want.

I wonder if @BarackObama is up watching #NYPD #OccupyWallSt #ZuccottiPark from the situation room.

All we are saying, is give RapeMurderSuicidePublicPooingGropingPubicLice a Chance!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello? Hello? Anyone there? Anyone reading this? Apparently not. Sorry, loser - no one cares what you think. I work 50 hours a week, make over $100,000/year as an attorney, and I am part of the 99%. I am not complaining about the way I have been tre ated. But I have seen too many poor people spit on, literally and figuratively.

2:52 PM


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