Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Bad Weather Blues

Before a gathering of newspaper editors at the Associated Press love fest, err luncheon in the nation's capitol, President Obama criticized Paul Ryan's budget (and pretty much all Republicans).

"We wouldn't have the capacity to enforce the laws that protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the food that we eat. Cuts to the FAA would likely result in more flight cancellations, delays and the complete elimination of air traffic control services in parts of the country. Over time, our weather forecasts would become less accurate because we wouldn't be able to afford to launch new satellites and that means governors and mayors would have to wait longer to order evacuations in the event of a hurricane. That's just a partial sampling of the consequences of this budget."

He left out that it will also infect your soul; curve your spine and keep the country from winning the war.

I can't believe he stated our weather forecasts would get less accurate, that's not possible and the scientific community is united in that fact.

For my money, and some of it is, I'll go with go with Gary's Weather Forecasting Stone

Now that's accurate!

How much later would Governors and Mayors have to wait to order hurricane evacuations than the fiasco administered by Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco during Katrina in 2005?


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